Telecom Fiji Proudly Supports Litia Nanovo at the Touch World Cup 2024 in Nottingham, England - Telecom Fiji Limited

Telecom Fiji Proudly Supports Litia Nanovo at the Touch World Cup 2024 in Nottingham, England

Telecom Fiji CEO, Charles Goundar with Litia Nanovo.


Telecom Fiji is delighted to announce that Litia Nanovo, a dedicated member of our Engineering team, will represent Fiji at the Rugby Touch World Cup in Nottingham, England, this July. As Litia steps onto the field, Team Telecom stands shoulder to shoulder with her, offering support.

Telecom Fiji stated, “We are incredibly proud to of Litia. As you step onto the field, know that Team Telecom is with you every step of the way. We believe in you and are inspired by your dedication and commitment.”

Telecom Fiji is proud to sponsor Litia on this exciting journey. The management and staff extend their wholehearted support, cheering her on as she represents our nation. Litia’s dedication and hard work are an inspiration to us all.

Litia Nanovo shared her gratitude, saying, “It’s an honor to represent Fiji on the world stage, and I am incredibly grateful for the support from Telecom Fiji. This sponsorship empowers me to give my best and make my country proud.”